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31 October 2022
Windhoek, Namibia
EPA Trade Forum

Welcome to the EPA Trade Forum 2022

Welcome to to the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Trade Forum, co-hosted by the Government of Namibia through the Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade (MIT) and the EU Delegation in Namibia. 
The Forum will be held in a hybrid format and will take place at the Windhoek Country Club and online on 31 October 2022.

Namibia and the EU enjoy good relations, politically, in development cooperation and in trade. Namibia has a positive trade balance vis-à-vis the European Union.
After a deep recession, the economic outlook for Namibia is positive. The time is opportune to fully utilise the EPA to increase, deepen and diversify trade flow between Namibia and the EU.
The EPA Trade Forum theme is: “Towards increased and diversified trade under the EPA to ensure inclusivity and sustainable economic growth”.